
Anyone but you | lit the fire under your love for Rom-Coms again


No kidding, "Anyone but You" has lit a fire under me for rom-coms again.

It's been a hot minute since I've been excited about love in films, especially the new ones. The one in disucssion today is a fresh take on Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing". The whole enemies to lovers spiel is a bit overdone nowadays, but somehow, it's just so easy and fun to watch here. The movie ticks all the boxes a rom-com should: it's breezy, enjoyable, and makes you want to just pack your bags, sing, dance, and obviously, fall in love.

First off, the spark between the lead guy and gal is totally there. I often scratch my head over what makes two characters click. Is it all about good looks? Nah. Sometimes, two good-looking folks together can't convince a soul of their attraction. Is it the storyline? Well, it can be. If the actors really get their characters and can portray that, the spark can be manufactured. In "Anyone but You", I figure the chemistry between the leads is more of the latter.

Anyone But You

So, here's the thing. The leads in "Anyone but You", Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell, they aren't your typical head-turners, but man, do they have something special! Yeah, they're fit, but the cool thing is they don't rub it in your face. The movie doesn't go for the whole Greek-god vibe with them. Instead, it's got this fun, comedic touch. Like, Ben can’t swim as fast as Bea, and she's all, "Why are you so slow even with those abs?" She cracks up when he says he only works out to impress girls. There's this moment when she takes in his perfect body, but it doesn't feel distant or unattainable. It's all so real, so relatable.

Anyone But You

I've always felt that two super narcissistic people can't really spark that sexual tension. They're too busy adoring themselves to really pay attention to each other, right? "Anyone but You" nailed it without overpouring the charm so that we audience can really get into the character's shoes.

And of course, the Shakespearean core of "Much Ado About Nothing" is key. All good stories can probably trace their roots back to Shakespeare, especially when it comes to love-hate relationships due to misunderstandings and prejudices. We all know the enemies-to-lovers trope, but the devil is in the details, and that's what keeps us hooked. In "Anyone but You", I couldn't take my eyes off the screen till the last ten minutes, waiting to see Ben and Bea overcome their biases, reveal their true selves, and admit their attraction. To me, that's the beauty of love, accepting each other as we truly are. Ben and Bea nailed it. Yeah, the ending was a bit cliché, but it still worked.

Anyone But You

Then there's the idealized world that "Anyone but You" paints. No real-world troubles, just a law student and a finance guy and a bunch of friends with seemingly no jobs or life pressures. They can jet off to a wedding halfway across the world for a week, living it up in beachfront villas, no worries about cash or chores. For us working folks, that holiday lifestyle is a dream. I mean, when would I get a chance to fly to the Australian seaside like the characters and have the perfect vacation?

And let's not forget, everyone seems to accept themselves and find true love. This perfect picture is what we all imagine middle-class life to be, where all you gotta do is seek love and self, with no other worries. I was so lost in this world that I forgot about my own for a while. Even though I know it's all make-believe, the movie made me long for a better life. Maybe one day, I'll also be in Australia, soaking up the sun on the beach, savouring the food and view with my loved ones. Singing, dancing, throwing parties, watching fireworks and bonfires...

Guess that's why they say movies are the art of dreaming. So, cheers to "Anyone but You" for letting me dream of love, though for only an hour and forty minutes.

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