

  • Greed
Total: 198

Codicia (2018)

176 min  |  Action, Adventure, Drama, History

This film capitalizes on greed, a story of political greed, materialistic greed, and emotional greed. Julius Cooper (Daevon Lee) must save his diseased and dying wife, Heaven (Kristin Mayer) Julius sets out on a journey to claim the fortune and buy a medical cure. He comes across the owner of a mine company, Nolan Carter (Benjamin Waddell) at the Carter and Count mining company. Nolan employs Julius and sends him off to a dangerous gold mine. When he reaches the mine, Julius meets Joshua Cole (Andrew Toro) and Tanner Louis (Cody Buzby) two brotherly con-men hoping to strike it rich in the mine. After a few days, tension grows between Julius and Tanner after some racial disputes, with Joshua caught in the middle. After a few days, Tanner strikes it rich whilst Julius cant find anything. Hoping to settle the dispute, Joshua promises to help Julius out with his own portion, without Tanner knowing. The next day, Tanner wakes up and notices two gold bricks missing. At the end of his wire, Tanner accuses Julius of thievery and engages Julius violently. This quarrel sparks a series of events to follow. Julius drives himself into an emotional crisis and decides to pursue Tanner, Tanner cripples the friendship between himself and Joshua, Nolan and his advisers fight for the rights of the mine and bandits set out to claim their future after robbing the mining duo. The characters set themselves on paths of hatred, redemption, revenge, and determination; all for what they hold ideal.

Two Evil Eyes_peliplat

Two Evil Eyes (1990)

120 min  |  Horror

"The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar": Gold-digger Jessica Valdemar and her lover Dr. Robert Hoffman plot to take the money of her old and terminal husband Ernest Valdemar. Robert has hypnotized Valdemar to give his money to Jessica. Out of the blue, Valdemar dies while hypnotized and is stranded between the world of the living and the dead. Robert finds the experience fascinating and Valdemar asks him to take him out of the trance since other spirits are stalking him. However, Jessica shoots Valdemar's corpse twice, expecting to end his contact with the world of the living. But soon she learns that Valdemar had already been possessed by evil forces. "The Black Cat": In Pennsylvania, tabloid photographer Roderick Usher explores gruesome crime scenes where Detective Legrand is investigating. Rod has been living with his violinist girlfriend Annabel for four years. When she brings home a stray black cat, Rod immediately hates the animal. He takes photos torturing the cat for his book and the cat vanishes. When Annabel sees the photos of the cat in a bookstore, she concludes that Rod killed her cat and decides to leave him. Meanwhile Rod finds a stray cat in a bar identical to the one he killed and the owner Eleonora gives him the animal.a Annabel is leaving the house, but she overhears the cat and returns to her room. Rod kills her and builds a wall to hide her body behind a bookshelf and prepares a solid alibi. But the black cat dooms his fate.

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