

Linda D. Gaines is a versatilely trained Actress, who possesses many unique perspectives, setting her performance capabilities apart from the crowd. Born and raised in Providence, R.I., the eldest of four siblings, Grandparents played a significant role in family life, as both resided in close proximity-and lived to the ripe ages 96 &100! Linda caught the acting bug early-playing the lead role of the Gingerbread Lady in her First Grade's Spring musical! Attending Theater often with her Parents-at the renowned Trinity Repertory Company, in Providence, R.I. exemplified to Linda first-hand what performance excellence looked like. Supportive family members made sacrifices throughout her formative years to help this self-described natural born Actress in many performance endeavors. Linda went on to receive a BFA degree in Dramatic Arts, from Emerson College, Boston. Having a vast plethora of characters within her range perhaps stems partly from a former career in the Airline Industry. Adult

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