

Jahkil Jackson is a 13 year old philanthropist who at 8 years old had a heartfelt desire to help those experiencing homelessness. It quickly became Jahkil's mission to build awareness of homelessness and to help the homeless population by offering them what he calls "Blessing Bags," a giveaway filled with wipes, socks, deodorant, hand sanitizer, granola bars, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bottled water, and more. Jahkil has set and surpassed many goals in his young life. Distributing his Blessing Bags to the homeless has been one of his biggest achievements thus far. In just a few years, Jahkil's efforts have touched over 50,000 men, women and children across the world. Along with the help of friends and family, Jahkil has organized distribution to those in need in Chicago, Los Angeles, Oklahoma, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Virginia, Idaho and more. He has also provided items of support to orphans in Mbabane, Swaziland and Ghana as well as volcano victims in Guatemala, and hurricane survivo

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