

Sarah Louise Bryan was born in 1988 and was almost immediately placed into foster care due to her mother's negligent care and dangerous situations she left her in. Sarah spent the next 13 years in and out of foster care living in a variety of care homes and foster families. Sarah was abused as a small child and amazingly never stopped the determination that she would make something of herself. Sarah is a mum of two and first came to public attention after making the worlds first skittles dress which is displayed at Ripley's museum in Amsterdam. Sarah auctioned this off in memory of one of her foster mums. She soon realized she could use her skills to raise awareness for charities so then followed up with the hair dress and the dress made from 3000 British legion poppies which was on display at the Malmaison hotel in Birmingham to raise funds for the royal British legion. In 2017 Sarah was embroiled in the 'shoegate' situation which made headlines worldwide which in fact was a publicity

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