John Rabe_peliplat

John Rabe

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

John Rabe is best known as a public radio journalist at 89.3-KPCC Los Angeles, where he was the award-winning host of the long-running Off-Ramp program, and is currently the station's Production & Promotions Director. He is also a photo artist, bon vivant, documentary narrator, and bit part actor. He is NOT the subject of Florian Gallenberger's "John Rabe" (2009), about the Oskar Schindler of China. Nor did he play the final journalist to interview David Foster Wallace in "The End of the Tour" (2015) despite the fact that it was the role that he was - literally - born to play. (Thanks, Avy Kaufman.) Rabe was born in Detroit in 1966 and raised in The Soo. He is gay married to Los Angeles gallerist Julian Bermudez and lives somewhere in middle class Los Angeles.

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