

Isiah M. Elliot was born in Bensonhurst, New York, he is an American executive assistant and American businessman. Isiah, is a former educator with Chicago Public School's for eleven years. Isiah is the youngest son of his adoptive mother J. Elliot (Retired Actress) children and the 2nd youngest of his father L. Rojas (Production). Isiah shares a special connection with both of his parents and his siblings. Mr. Elliot is a shareholder of many different companies such as Word Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), The Walt Disney Company, Sony Entertainment, Facebook, and Sprint. Dr. Elliot is also the Chief Executive Officer / Chairman of The Board at Isiah Doss Enterprises, Inc a business he started 9 years ago. Isiah is a father of 4 children and currently works as the Chief Executive Officer of Isiah Doss Enterprises, Inc. were he has 8 locations 4 sub-industries, and 2 international locations. Isiah is a 3 Time Daytime Nominee for a Daytime Emmy Award and 1 Time Daytime Emmy Winner.
