

Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, he began learning the craft of filmmaking at an early age. Exploring every creative avenue that opportunity afforded, he found that still photography didn't satisfy the storytelling bug. While still in high school, he began taking introductory 35mm film courses offered at a local college. It was at about this time that he began modeling as well. In his second year at The Ohio State University, while studying English, he made the decision to seriously pursue a career in the film industry. Although he was two years away from graduating, in September 2000, he crossed the country and settled in Los Angeles, a few blocks from several major studios. Matt thought that his name was too common and briefly changed it to "Jet Fairchild" when he became a SAG member in 2001. He eventually completed his college studies and earned a B.A. degree at University of Cincinnati. He's married and has three children.
