

Bridget Brown is a successful young woman who captures the attention of everyone she meets with her vitality and confidence. Bridget redefines the term "inclusion" by being the first person with Down Syndrome to be included in her school district. She graduated in 2005 as a result of this very successful school experience. She is a national public speaker and shares tools and strategies she used to be successfully included. She also is a person centered planning coach and works with young adults with disabilities to help them find their own voice. In addition to her workshops and keynote speaking engagements, Bridget also works as part of a grant through the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities. She helps young adults with disabilities learn how to present at their own IEP meetings, set goals, and speak with self determination. Bridget has been trained as a PATH/MAP facilitator with Managing the Art of Living and she is a graduate of the STARS advocacy program through the AR

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