

Rachel is an award-winning actress who's been honored with best leading actress for a number of projects. She takes on roles that are challenging, interesting, and that allow her to explore the human condition. Rachel's passion for acting stems from her deep appreciation of human connection, storytelling, and the collaboration behind filmmaking. She has worked with a number of directors and actors who have described her work as, 'soulful', 'so funny she sets the new standard for comedy', and 'powerful to the point of blowing anyone away'. As a full-time actress, Rachel is continually expanding her skill set on and off the job. She has studied her craft of acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute of West Hollywood, Ivana Chubbuck Studios, and The Groundlings. Rachel is dedicated to a constant, honest evolution as an artist, as an actress, and as a person and surrounds herself with others who are committed to the same type of growth.
