

Laurie was born in East Orange, New Jersey. From an early age he knew he wanted to perform. He smiles as he tells the story of how at the age of five during the summer, he would pretend that he had his own radio show. He was the DJ and the music maker singing the hits from his bedroom window to the neighborhood. He's not sure if it bothered anyone, but he never heard any complaints. East Orange was full of talent. There was Billy Ford of Billy and Lilly who appeared on American Band Stand with their hit single Lucky Ladybug. The Fords lived down the street. There was John Amos of Good Times fame. John's mother and Laurie's mother worked together and were friends. Judy Clay who had a hit record Story Book Children rented a house from Laurie's father. Laurie played high school football with Dionne Warwick's brother Mancel. From grammar school to junior high through high school Laurie participated in school productions, talent shows, and choirs. When it was time to graduate from East Oran

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