

Drawing from experience with many trials and tribulations that happened to him as a student football athlete, Mr. Mayweather self-published and wrote his first book, Control or Be Controlled, which was released in 2008. Near the time of the book launch, he also signed a pro arena football deal that eventually went sour. While finishing school, Mr. Mayweather travels around the U.S. to promote his book and continues to work on landing a TV deal with The "Mayweather Live" Show. Mr. Mayweather found himself working with The "Mayweather Live" show after involving himself in numerous activities and networking his interests within the entertainment arena. From there, Mr. Mayweather started producing TV commercials, Billboards and other marketing materials for his TV show sponsors and more. Before he knew it he was not just a host of a regional TV show on Comcast but also an actor in the TV commercials he produced and a Marketing Consultant for major companies such as McDonald's, Hyundai, C

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