

After being cast as a recurring background performer on X-Men III and inspired by the rewarding challenge of on-camera work, John Andrew enrolled at the Methodica Acting Studio in Vancouver, B.C. as a student of the Stanislavsky System of Acting headed by former National Theatre of Bulgaria Director Assen Gadjalov. In between classes, one-act plays, film-school & independent projects, John Andrew played "The Collector" aka Hit #1 in the ground-breaking web series "Hitman 101", which was nominated for a Leo Award, and won the Best Web Series Award at the LA Webfest. John Andrew continued his study in Los Angeles at the Andrew Wood Acting Academy of a contemporary Stanislavsky system that is taught at Yale University, as well as, with Stella Adler's former assistant Ron Burrus at the Art of Acting Studio in Hollywood. While also appearing in many projects in the Los Angeles film community including the lead in the award-winning CSUN production, "Vindicated", part of the ensemble cast i

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