

Vinnie Langdon III is an American Actor, Filmmaker and Television Personality. Langdon grew up heavily involved with theatre in his childhood with musicals and Theatre performances. In September 2004, he began producing a weekly public access television series in Northern California called "The Vinnie Langdon Show" which consisted of interviews with bands and live performances. He has won four awards for his independent films, "Best Original Screenplay" in The Buckingham Film Festival for his first indie film called "Magic Sunglasses" (2004), "Best Picture" at the Buckingham Film Festival (2005) and "Best Comedy" in the Idaho Panhandle Film Festival both for his short film called "Permission" (2006.) On April 25, 2010, Vinnie won "The Up-And-Comer Actor" award at the Sacramento International Film Festival nominated by The California Film Foundation. In 2011, He made a guest appearance on the YouTube hit channel, Smosh as an "Alien Student." Later that year he played the role on a coupl

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