

Jonathan Ward Edmondson was born in Eastern North Carolina and started taking tap, jazz, and ballet at age 9. Ward was into everything possible, including scouts, swim team, little league baseball, and choir, which eventually led to voice coaching and musicals in and after high-school. With seemingly boundless energy, Ward was a medaled swimmer and excelled in dance. He went on to teach ballroom and country western dance to middle grade students and adults. Performing for many various venues including local TV station appearances, Ward also went on the road with his dance troupe to win numerous awards and competitions up and down the East Coast. Ward was a dance major at Virginia Intermont College in Bristol, Virginia. There, he choreographed and danced feature and lead roles with the Bristol Ballet Company under the direction of Constance Harding, while studying acting, voice and other aspects of theater like historical costuming, set design and construction, and sound and lighting f

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