

Kyoko Harada Dole is samurai by lineage on her father's side. There is a samurai sword that has been passed down through generations and is the only heirloom left from their family in Japan. During World War II and just prior to being forced into internment camps, Kyoko's father and grandfather were able to have a sympathetic friend cut a hole in their wall and plaster it within the wall so that it was safely stored away from the government confiscating it as a "weapon". After over two years in forced captivity in the internment camps, they were able to regain their only family heirloom. A generation later, Kyoko, inspired by her family history, trained in martial arts and weapons including traditional Katana (samurai sword), Nunchaku ("nunchucks"), Kama blades, and Japanese bo. Some of the Katas (samurai sword practice sequences) that she has trained in are the same exact sequences that Samurai used to train hundreds of years ago. She considers each of these disciplines beautiful and

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