

Scott Mitchell, as he is known by these days, hails from New York, but has made Atlanta, Ga his home since 1978. Scott began writing short stories and poetry at an early age and was published by the time he was age 15. He received his BA in English from University of Delaware, and since then, has become an avid writer, photographer, and student of life. A huge horror fan, Scott began his career into darkness and macabre first working at Netherworld Haunted House, the top rated haunted house in America, about 4 years ago, as an actor. Scott's film career began with a zombie extra role in the blockbuster "Zombieland," and has since had extra roles in Rob Zombie's "Halloween II," "The Blind Side," and "Due Date." Scott had a featured role in the short film "Nightlight," directed by Solomon Chase, as a tribesman who comes under the power of a strange plant. "Nightlight" went on to win several awards, including the "QuestFest Film Festival" in Los Angeles in late 2009. Scott Recently had ro

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