

David Bannon is a writer and translator, best known for the books Elements of Subtitles and Wounded in Spirit. He has translated subtitles for many top-rated prime time shows, including East of Eden (2008), The Great Queen Seondeok (2009), Dong Yi (2010), The Greatest Love (2011), Soldier (2012), Lights and Shadows (2011) and Guga-ui Seo (2013). He translates from Korean-to-English and German-to-English, notably the works of Friedrich Rückert. Bannon has appeared on Samurai (1997), Samurai Warrior (1999), Secrets of the Warrior's Power (2001), Samurai Warrior (2006), and The Discovery Channel (The Secrets of the Warrior's Power (1997)) and has been been interviewed by NPR, Fox News (1987) and The Wall Street Journal. Bannon was born in Washington State in the United States. The son of photographer Dennis Dilley, he left home at age 19 to travel the world, spending many years in Asia. He taught college for two decades and was curator of Asian art for the Florence Museum of Art and Hist

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