

Since her minor role in the movie Vice, Vanessa Dimitropoulos (legal and maiden name) has stepped away from acting in order to focus on the larger life roles which acting led her to experience. She is the founder of The Escaped Goat, a campaign with the mission to reform psychological abuse laws and educate law enforcement on the epidemic of an abuse that leaves no broken bones or bruises. Her journey to advocate stemmed from an all too common story of being discredited by someone close, leading to false stories to the police. Vanessa has dedicated her time to interviewing victims and pursuing collaborations with the goal of generating not only awareness, but change. She believes that psychological abuse laws need to be treated with the same criminal prosecution as physical and sexual abuse, and that The United States needs to catch up to the progressive psychological abuse reforms implemented by the UK, France, Ireland, and Scotland. Vanessa grew up in Paramount, CA and received her

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