Harry Sims_peliplat

Harry Sims

Director | Actor | Creation
Date of birth : 10/15/1988
City of birth : Chertsey, Surrey, England, UK

Harry Sims was born in Chertsey Hospital on the 15th of October 1988. He is one of two brothers. He had a good school life - he went to Kingfield Junior school and then went on to St Bedes and finished up at Christ College. Harry Sims was always interested in drama and learning languages. He has many hobbies such as table tennis, football, skateboarding, cycling, wrestling. He also has a great interest in music - he plays guitar and bass guitar. Harry is now living in London. In the time there he has had a lot of darkness and demons to contend with. But he has turned his life around and is pursuing his dreams of Acting, Writing, Casting, Producing and Directing. He has taken up writing a series for TV/Video, he starts filming in July 2013.

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