

Growing up, Aisha Muharrar's strongest interests were writing and service. Bay Shore, with its commitment to the arts and tradition of civic involvement, was an ideal environment for her passions to become a pattern. Aisha's life in Bay Shore began with the decision of her grandparents, minister Moses and homemaker Betty Bryant, to move from Georgia to New York in 1957. By the late 1960s, their family was living in Bay Shore. While Aisha's mother attended Brentwood schools, the younger siblings of the family went to Bay Shore. In the mid-80s, after marriage and divorce in Connecticut, Aisha's mother Barbara returned to the town the rest of her family had made their home. Educated at Mary G. Clarkson, Gardiner Manor, South Country, Bay Shore Middle School, and Bay Shore High School, Aisha graduated as class valedictorian in 2002. While at BSHS, Aisha was Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Maroon Echo, a violinist in the orchestra, a member of the volleyball team (where she brought more enthusi

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