

Noah is an American actor from Chicago Il. He first discovered his love for acting and theater in high school but also had interest in art and music. For a while he pursued musical ventures, but after receiving a scholarship for Chicago's Actor Studio, acting became his focus. Under Edward Fogell and Mary Beth Liss, he appeared and in many stage productions including Shakespeare's Macbeth, William Inges' Glory in the Flower and Geography of a Horsedreamer by Sam Shepard among others. He also worked in several independent films during this time. In 2006, Noah moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in film and television. Since his arrival he has been studying with Actors Workout Studio and has appeared in a number of commercials, plays and independent films. His most recent appearances include the stage production of Red Line Chronicles, independent features The Distraced and Qualia and the online Ray-Ban ad "Resevoir Walking" for Never Hide Films. In LA Noah refines his acting skill

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