

Zvonimir Hace was born in Zagreb, Croatia (former Yugoslavia). At the age of 7, Zvonimir was chosen to act as a child in the Croatian film, Seljacka Buna 1573. This inspired him to desire to become an actor in Hollywood. In the early 80s, he also acted in other Croatian films Smogovci (1982) and Velo Miso (1981) and began his formal theatre training at Djecje Kazaliste Dubrava. The next three years, Zvonimir played different classical and modern roles in the theatre. Parallel to his theatre acting, Zvonimir trained in Karate and Tae-Kwon Do. After graduating high school, Zvonimir did not get accepted in the Yugoslavian State run Drama Academy and thus pursued a Geological Engineering Degree. During university, Zvonimir started to professionally train in Kickboxing/Boxing with legendary fighter Branko Cikatic and boxer Damir Skaro who got him involved working as a stunt coordinator. In 1991, war broke out in former Yugoslavia and Zvonimir joined the Army. The following year, Zvonimir wa

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