

Michael Egan has appeared in and worked as a crew member on several film, television, and theatre productions. His career in the industry started in 1986 at the San Diego Repertory theatre and was a crew member on several productions under the mentor-ship of Sam Woodhouse, including but not limited to; Little Shop of Horrors (Rick Moranis), A Midsummer Nights Dream (Keith David), We Don't Have To Show You No Stinking Badges (Robert Beltran) and Blue Window (Eric Menyuk). You may have seen Michael in the 1995 production of "The Cape", starring Corbin Bensen and Bobby Hosea, From the Earth to the Moon, the Jodi Foster movie titled "Contact" or as a police officer in several episodes of Kenan and Kel. Michael also was featured in several commercials such as Mylanta, The Golf Channel advertising and promotional commercials for television shows such as Grace Under Fire. Michael studied under Ken and Valerie Grant in Orlando, at their acting school called KVG Studios. A native of Philadel

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