Yeva-Genevieve Lavlinski_peliplat

Yeva-Genevieve Lavlinski

Director | Creation | Actress
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR [now Ukraine]

Yeva-Genevieve Lavlinski is a writer/actress/director, known for her novel Excerptus - Child of Nosferatu, her role in Crank 2: High Voltage, her directorial début Sand Snowman, Good Will Doll, and Puddle Jumpers travel show. Yeva is a creator of characters, a writer, an artist, and VO for Animation Good Will Doll based on her book by the same name dedicated to her mother Tamara. Yeva's feature film original scripts; Lola Wood, Shoots of Spring, F-Listers: of the Off Red Carpet, The Night Tailor, and Excerptus - Child of Nosferatu are currently in different stages of development. Born in Odessa, Ukraine, Law School graduate, Yeva came to Los Angeles for her love of filmmaking.

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