

Dawna Lee Heising has acted in over 220 feature films and has won awards in over 570 films as an actor/producer/publicity director. She is the VP of Aki Aleong's Mustard Seed Media Group and has a B.S. Degree in Business Management and MBA from Pepperdine University. Her uncle is legendary DP Tak Fujimoto ("Silence of the Lambs," "Sixth Sense"), and her cousins David Wong and George Daugherty received a Primetime Emmy Award for their televised Broadway production of "Peter and the Wolf on Broadway." Dawna has won over 170 Best Actress awards for feature films and television. She received the Elite Martial Arts Spirit Award at the 2023 Golden Gate Hall of Honors Martial Arts Awards and was named "Actress & Action Star of the Year" at the 2021 USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame Awards. She is honored and excited to be inducted into the WorldFilmGeek.com Hall of Fame for 2023, alongside Diane Franklin and Mark Patton. Dawna was honored to work with the great Eddie Griffin in Param Gill's "Ba

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