

Being born and raised in Romulus, MI living with his mother and two brothers, Antonio grew up with very little money but the love they had as a family made up for that. When they lost everything including their home, Antonio's mother showed him that when times get rough in life, just keep fighting to survive and things will get better. Watching his mother raise three boys alone gave him the drive and motivation to be the best at everything he does. At a young age Antonio had high ambitions of being an actor and or a professional athlete. He was one of the fastest kids on the block, which inspired his peers to give him the nick name Tony D; after the famous NFL running back Tony Dorsett. He also wrote his own plays and acted them out for the same neighborhood friends. During these times he also fell in love with hip hop. Watching the fathers of hip hop perform developed his rhythm and love for all genres of music. One of his favorite pastimes was break dancing on cardboard boxes in the

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