

Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay is a registered Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, practicing with children and adolescents in the areas of clinical and school psychology. He received his bachelors with honours at McMaster University and his Applied Masters and Doctorate at the University of Waterloo, focusing on educational psychology, clinical psychology and behavioural neuroscience. He is on faculty at the University of Western Ontario, with appointments in the departments of psychology and psychiatry. Since 2003 Dr. McKinlay has worked in "The Brake Shop" - a service he created for youth with Tourette Syndrome & associated disorders at the Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI) in London, Ontario, Canada. Dr. McKinlay was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at age 19 - he knew that he had a "secret" by age 7. He is a past director of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada (TSFC), has received numerous awards from this organization for his professional work and

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