

Life has been an unlikely journey for Artist Kimani Shillingford. Raised by a single mother, Kimani always dreamed of great things. An energetic and bright youngster, he showed an early affinity for the arts and performance. Performing for family and friends, drawing, singing, painting, and writing took up most of his free time outside of school. Raised in the church, God became the foundation that would mold him into the artist and man that he is today. A Business/Pre-Law graduate, Kimani initially sought out a career in the corporate sector, but during this short detour the yearning to express his creativity and utilize his God-given gifts became too loud to ignore. In the relatively short time since abandoning this first career and venturing into the Arts full-time he has racked up an impressive list of accomplishments. Seeing initial success in major advertising and television campaigns worldwide for numerous brands, Kimani switched the focus of his energy to honing his acting and

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