

Deena Trudy was born Deena Trudy Goldberg in Edmonton Alberta, Canada. Her father Henry Goldberg, the son of two Holocaust survivors, obtained a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Cornell University and mother Kaya Barr (Goldberg), born in Mobile, Alabama is a psychology major and homemaker. Trudy is the oldest of three children and her brothers, Paul and Michael, are fraternal twins. After her first birthday, the family moved from Canada to Palo Alto, CA. She moved a lot growing up and lived in various places including New Jersey and New York. The family moved to Arizona when Trudy was age 12 and her parents divorced soon after leaving her to help care for her younger siblings. She began getting in trouble with the law in Arizona and after numerous arrests, her crimes landed her in a long-term locked juvenile facility. Trudy had committed multiple assaults, drug trafficking and various other charges, causing her to be sent to a unit for violent offenders. She was regularly housed in s

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