Stephanie Marie Delgado_peliplat

Stephanie Marie Delgado

Creation | Actress
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Stephanie Marie Delgado is a Writer, Sound Engineer and Actress. She has worked in film, television, commercials and digital marketing for over a decade. She graduated from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Philosophy in 2012, all while collaborating on T.V. shows such as Breaking Bad and Sex and Lies In Sin City; featuring Mena Suvari (known for Academy award-winning, American Beauty: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0169547/). Stephanie actively writes, develops websites, increases web analytics, films, records, edits, acts and collaborates in NYC, NJ, NM and wherever the right project is. She sound mixed an AHC original mini-series that was nominated for an Emmy, titled Gunslingers. Stephanie is the Writer of a sci-fi script & book (coming soon) titled, 'Black Dream Revelation' a feature film about science, New World Order conspiracies, dreams, exploration and madness-- the script is seeking an Executive Producer. Ms. Delgado has two feature-length film screenplays and is working on many more; both are copyrighted and registered with the Writer's Guild of America.

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