

Anjelica Rose Scannura was born in Toronto, Ontario and is of Maltese and Irish ancestry. The vivacious beauty with green eyes began dancing at the age of four and has studied many forms of dance such as ballet, Irish dancing, flamenco and bellydance. Her determination, talent and persistence has led her to become an award-winning choreographer and she has travelled to Spain, Malta, Ireland, Jordan, the United States, Mexico and The Caribbean performing solo as well as with her family owned dance company Ritmo Flamenco. She has also won International dance competitions such as Bellydancer of the Universe and premiered work at the Madrid Choreographic Competition and performed with the Canadian Opera Company. A graduate of the Etobicoke School of the Arts, Anjelica was thrown into stage productions and plays where she was able to gain experience in acting. Booking her first commercials at the age of 17 (Swiss Chalet & Scotiabank), she began serious studies in acting is constantly train

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