

Aleksandar Filimonovic is a Serbian-American actor, writer and producer, and a graduate of the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York City, as well as the Royal Holloway University of London. Born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, to a sportsman father and an artist mother, he naturally became interested in those areas of life from his earliest childhood. In the 90s they moved to Moscow, where, with becoming a fluent Russian speaker, as well as attending a mathematical lyceum and competing at the famous Lomonosov University at only 11 years of age, Aleksandar also started training in swimming, karate, ballroom dancing, and singing, piano and guitar. What followed next was a move to London, where he completed elementary school and started soccer training. After that, he returned to Belgrade, where he graduated from the Fourth Belgrade Gymnasium (high-school) among the best students. During that period, he began to attend acting classes, but also committed seriously to soccer. Tal

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