

The son of Cuban-American parents, James Chahine was destined to enter the world of Film/Television when he began reciting lines from his favorite movies by the time he was four years old. Almost immediately upon entering elementary school he was recognized as a regular fixture in nearly every play and special performances held at the school which continued all the way through high school and The University of Michigan. As "Danny Zuko" in "Grease - The Musical" Jim garnered several drama club awards for singing, dancing and acting. Shortly after earning his B.A. in Theatre Arts from The University of Michigan, Jim made his way back to his home town of Detroit where he soon became involved in several community theatre productions which would ultimately lead to Chicago and the renowned Steppenwolf and Second City stages. As career progression naturally follows success, the versatile young actor from the stages of the windy city headed west to the sunny landscape of palm trees and the bri

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