Tyler Lee Allen_peliplat

Tyler Lee Allen

Director | Actor | Creation
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Tyler Lee Allen discovered the meaning of passion within film and storytelling. He grew up with the arts, and dedicated every evening to studying the works of director's Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, and Tim Burton, among countless others. Filled with a desire for success, and fueled by creativity, as well as determination, he knew that directing would be his life's path. After directing several short films and spots at the age of seventeen, Allen was accepted into Full Sail University, the premiere film institution in Winter Park, FL. There, he was able to grow as a student of film, but was also set forth to begin finding his voice. Degree in hand, he graduated in 2005 from Full Sail's Film and Television program, and was awarded the top honor of course director's award in screenwriting. It wasn't long after this that he was noticed, and given the green light to turn his first feature film script, co-written and produced by Ellis Wilder, into a movie. Allen's feature directorial and writing debut came with "Randomocity", a powerful drama detailing the unraveling lives of four people when one of them is assaulted and raped. Heralded by both audiences and critics alike, "Randomocity" went on to win the "Best First Feature Film" award for both Allen and the United States, at the International Film Festival of England. Allen has been blessed to achieve several of his life's goals at a young age, including most recently, presenting some of his own work to one of his creative influences, Stephen King. He is thankful for the "checks" that he has been able to place on his checklist, and how there is room for even more goals in the future to fulfill. With his passion for life and a goal oriented attitude, Allen continues to grow stronger in the entertainment industry.

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