

Anthony Michael Bertram is a film and TV actor hailing from Queens, NY. As a New York native, he began acting professionally in theatre and local commercials. He has also tried his hand in stand up comedy, and everyone who meets him agrees he is indeed sitcom material. As a Business Administration major at Adelphi University in Long Island, Anthony was headed to the corporate sector. That is, until his senior year when he happened to take Acting as a class elective, which he found himself really enjoying. When he was informed a week later that he had to take a Statistics class to graduate, he was all the more disappointed because he had to drop the Acting class. Although he was no longer acting, he had just begun to discover that the seed had taken "route". He did graduate, but the only business he was interested in pursuing was Entertainment. He immediately started training and set his sights on an unprecedented feat: A solid and stable career as....an Actor!! He went on to study a

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