

Kelley Kali is a native of Los Angeles, CA. She has a bachelor's degree in anthropology, with a focus in archaeology, and a minor in film and classical civilization from Howard University in Washington, D.C. In addition to her studies, Kelley was an NCAA Division 1 lacrosse team captain and scholar. While at Howard University, Kelley was selected to conduct research of an ancient Mayan site for two months in the Central American rainforest. She jumped at the chance to live in a tent for months with no running water amongst the spider monkeys, tarantulas, bullet ants and more. However, while excavating in the jungle she found herself spending most of her time daydreaming about filming her experiences, thus she decided to make a change and pursue cinema. Afterward, Kelley received the opportunity to work at National Geographic Television and Film, where she gained TV experience that led her to become the only woman selected to direct the first creole dramatic TV series in the country of

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