

The prolific, funny, and fearless writer/director/producer of feature thriller "The Commune", awarded Best International Picture at Bram Stoker Festival. Despite the terrible timing of winning "Best Action Screenplay" by Fade In Magazine and "Best Thriller Screenplay" by Creative Screenwriting Magazine days before the 2007 Writers's Strike, Elisabeth's unproduced spaghetti western script "Pistoleras" took the blogosphere by storm and remains her most requested screenplay. Her forte is thriller/horror and superhero actioners. Fies cites Star Wars and Twin Peaks as influences ingested at a cellular level, and most wishes she had directed "Terminator 2". Elisabeth's undergraduate UCLA years included interning at Debra Hill Productions and doing stunts as monsters on the The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. With a prestigious grant from Do Something, she created and starred in the indie TV show "Kids Know it All!" After earning her first Masters degree from New School University in Medi

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