

Born in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, New York Nov. 9th, 1970. At age 5, the family moved to Puerto Rico where he'd discover movies at age 7. His weekends were spent going to a second run theater in Levittown P.R. to watch 3 films for the price of one dollar. One of the first movies Ivan saw and still one of his favorite films of all time, Rocky. The underdog and rags to riches theme made an indelible impact that would fuel his imagination for years to come. Over the years he was also influenced by films such as Godfather, Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico, Taxi Driver, Network, Halloween, Jaws, The Car, A Man Called Horse, The Omen, Exorcist and countless others. Also, influential were the comedies of Abbott and Costello, The Marx Brothers and Laurel and Hardy. At the age of 11 the family moved back to Brooklyn, New York. In Junior High school while taking a rare film class, he saw Hitchcock's classic Dial M For Murder where the teacher explained the nuts and bolts of how a film was made. At age

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