

Jordan Laesch (pronounced LASH) is another entertainer who FOR SURE didn't write his own IMDb bio. No way, some huge fan of him did. Anyway, he's really great at acting, writing, producing, and filmmaking. He was born in Illinois. He went to Indiana University Bloomington and studied TV and FILM. Also, did I mention he is really really awesome at what he does? Before he went in front of the camera, Mr. Laesch worked behind the scenes in production in Hollywood. Until one day he realized "I really don't want to PA on The Millionaire Matchmaker anymore". So yadi-yadi-ya now he's doing the good stuff out here. The pictures! Really you should hire this guy. In fact, I would marry him because I for sure am not Jordan Laesch writing this bio. Great actor, fun guy! That's Jordan Laesch! He thanks you for stopping by!
