

Marcel Donae' Grant is an American Actor, Writer and Musician. He was scouted by FORD Models and moved from NYC to Los Angeles. He was handpicked by the director of "Charmed" to be in the original TV series. Marcel Donae' has appearances in the Oscar Award winning films "The Bucket List" and most recently "La La Land" and became a name in "Prates of the Caribbean", "The One", "Bubble Boy" and "Paranormal Apparition" as a Lead Actor. In NYC he wrote a script about his subway experiences called "The Dark "R" to Brooklyn" that later became (Subway Stories) an award winning Mini Series. in Los Angeles he produced and shot a cooking show pilot titled "The Urban Chef" which aired as (Door Knock Dinners). As a singer/guitarist in the LA music scene Marcel performed at clubs such as The Coconut Teaser, The Cat Club, The GiG and The Whiskey A GO-GO. On the East coast he performed with Fugazi, White Zombie and Scream (Dave Grohl's) band before Nirvana.
