

Stefano Capone was born and raised 'Stephen Cooney' in Boston, Massachusetts, and considers himself to be an actor on a mission. And that mission is to be the very best he can possibly be. Aside from acting, Stefano enjoys weight lifting, aerobics, kick-boxing, swimming, bicycling, and writing. He is 6'1", 220 lbs,, has Gray hair, and can reasonably play characters between the ages of 48 and 65 years old. As he likes to say, his acting career first began in the Marine Corps. Having run into some problems after the second year of his hitch, and knowing that he had to really impress his Commanding Officers, Stefano would wake up each morning and pretend he was in a movie. This (pretend) movie was about the U.S. Marines, and he was in the starring role as the very best Marine in The Corps. Each and every day he would wake up and go though his routine, playing his role as though he were in a big time Hollywood film. And when the dust finally settled (and after many, many scenes in this pr

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