

Born in the Bronx, New York, lost natural father at age 6 and mother at age 17. Grew up and spent early years in New york, New Jersey, Michigan * lived in 22 States and even more cities including Detroit, Amarillo, LA, Hayward other cites in California. Traveled through China, Mexico the Caribbean. Purchased & remodeled first house at age 20 and built and remodeled many houses over the years. 4 years in the USAF and combat areas. Worked on super secret (at the time) SR71 spy planes and nuclear equipped aircraft. Honorably discharged. First job at age 6 as lingerie sales "boy" on the streets of New York. Paper route at age 8, Managed first store at age 9 for Stepfather. Learned dozens of businesses from stepfather growing up as the son of a business liquidator and Auctioneer. Traveled the US in a motor home with wife and family. Got into show business through son. Did pro-bono hosting and auctioneering for children's organizations since age 25 and continued to present. Bruce is now i

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