

The "Man of Steel" Bill Grant and his illustrious career within the sporting word of bodybuilding has touched generations of fitness enthusiasts the world over. His ambitions started at the ripe age of 9 years old. His training was simple but smart, he'd train anywhere he could, from the bedroom to a friend's backyard. With a sporting background in high school and the desire to grow stronger than his competitors, Bill's thirst for size and strength propelled him to greatness. Bill's decades of knowledge hasn't gone unnoticed, he's been awarded the lifetime achievement award for his efforts in helping others achieve their goals, as well as supporting many charitable events. He's been a model for fitness and success for more than five decades. History shows that Bill went onto have a successful career as a professional bodybuilder. In 1968 he entered his first serious competition Mr. USA and placed a respectful 6th. Then, he completed the very same year in the Mr. America where he placed

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