

Born and raised in Lincoln, England, Nick quickly developed a fascination, love and admiration for all things film, especially the Horror genre, which he was exposed to at an early age thanks to late night specials. At the age of 11, he moved with his mother and sister to live in Saudi Arabia for 5 years. Over the 5 years prior to this, he had only seen his father 2 or 3 times year as he worked for British Aerospace over there. Life in Saudi was a tremendous learning experience, developing Nick's understanding of culture and diversity. However, he never lost his love of film, despite the restrictions put in place (there were no cinemas in Dhahran where he lived. Returning to Lincoln, England on his own in order to complete his education, Nick was able to fully indulge his passion, frequenting the cinemas and expanding his DVD collection. Thanks to a complication in the English Student Loan system, Nick was forced to take a Gap Year before going to University. He took this opportuni

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