

Von Ryan is originally from Balboa Island, California. He lived in a small home on Sapphire Street. Von Ryan's motion picture career started from a newborn photo chosen by a Hollywood producer for a baby commercial. It's hard to imagine with his rugged mug now. Von Ryan's father told the man, "My son will never work in Hollywood!" And the rest is history. He began making short films in 8mm at the age of 19. His subjects ranged from his mother's Chinese Pug chasing everything that moved to making spec commercials for fishing bait and batteries. Von Ryan's formal education started at a community college. He was eager to take the only film class offered, which required a short film. Von Ryan decided on the CP 16 and won the student film competition for a short documentary on the Columbia River. Further his PSA on staying in school was chosen for production. At this point, his film instructor encouraged him to seek a 4-year education. He chose the University of Montana. Von Ryan origina

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