

Maximilien Poullein was born on April 28, 1983 in Lille, France. Two separate encounters led him into wanting to become an actor. First one was screening "The Running Man" with Arnold Schwarzenegger : this Sunday morning at the age of six imprinted a major turning point in his love for the American cinema. Secondly, playing the part of César in the Marcel Pagnol play, convinced Max, at the age of ten, that acting had to be his way of making a living. From that point until the age of 18, Max kept on following drama classes with the cast-iron intention of becoming an actor. Taking advice from his supportive mother, Max decided to join the English-speaking theatre company entitled Angellier while studying English for four years at University Lille 3. In that theatre company Max performed amongst other parts : Gibbs in The "Hothouse" de Harold Pinter in 2002; René, a gay salesman in original play entitled "Fool's day" (2003) by Laurent Thiry, and, lead part of Jack "Ernest" Worthing i

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