

Known as the captain of adventure, no challenge is too daunting for paraglider pilot and renowned Canadian climber Will Gadd. All-round action hero Will Gadd is a living legend in the truest sense. Year after year, he continually pushes the boundaries of ice climbing and, even after having won every major title from the World Cup to the Winter X Games, he still manages to impress. A veteran of the sport, Will continues to seek new adventures and seems to have a boundless energy. In 2010, he once again proved his pedigree by climbing a 130ft [39.62m ice wall solidly for 24 hours at the Ouray Ice Festival in Colorado, reaching a total height of 25,414ft [7.75km]. Eager to rise to a fresh challenge, Will also broke the world distance record on a paraglider not once, but three times. He was also the first person to cross the US by paraglider after a gruelling seven-week trek. His hunger for adventure doesn't stop there however - he can turn his hand to almost every outdoor sport such a

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