

Early in his career Charles Darby secured his status as a pioneer of the contemporary art of matte painting, not only for his sheer artistry but for being one of the first, if not the first to create matte paintings in a digital format. His groundbreaking work on "Titanic" and Luc Besson's "The Fifth Element" established him as an industry leader in the mid 1990s. Since then he has worked on such films as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "The Matrix", "Minority Report", "IRobot" "Harry Potter" and "Tron Legacy" Darby trained as a classical painter and exhibits his work around the world. He has lived and worked in Hollywood working for over forty feature film projects. He was awarded at Emmy For "Rome" in 2006 and was awarded a fellowship by the BKSTS at Pinewood Studios for his contribution to film and won numerous awards including the 2010 IFFA Award. Having created EyeQube Studios in India (2007) Darby has gone on to establish NoSuchThing and NoSuchFilm to develop filmmaking and

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