

Kasem Hoxha was born on 12 August 1968 in Tirana, the capital of Albania. During that time, the Albanian people was suffering from the dictatorship of the communist tyrant Enver Hoxha, who led the country into bankruptcy and didn't tolerate any influence from other countries. The population feared his cruel methods such as death sentences without previous trials, torture and prison. Under his rule, Kasem Hoxha grew up in deep poverty as one of five children. Because of family reasons Kasem spent his childhood between the age of four and six with his grandparents in the mountains and only came back home when he had to start school. At the age of 16, he went to grammar school. It was this time that he began to look critically into the political situation in his country and his longing for freedom started. As Kasems father died from lung cancer at an early age, the family had to stick together even more in order to survive. Love and active participation in acting gave Kasem the strengt

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